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Advisory Board

The UW Master of Science in Computational Linguistics has an advisory board to help guide the overall direction of the program. This group includes key faculty and staff as well as representatives from some of the top companies and organizations in the field. Board members help review content, guide course design and provide updates to ensure the program remains current as the field evolves.

Srinivas Bangalore, Director of AI Research, Interactions Corporation

Emily Bender, Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington

David Bullock, Lexicographer and Writer, Beginner's ESL Text and Dictionary

Sabrina Burleigh, Research Manager, Language Modeling, Nuance Communications

Lesley Carmichael, Principal Program Manager Lead, Microsoft

Ciprian Chelba, Research Scientist, Google

Francine Chen, Principal Scientist, FX Palo Alto Laboratory

Mike Cohen, CEO/Founder, Cignition

Michael Gamon, Senior Researcher, Microsoft

Jim Hoard, Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington

Remy Sanouillet, NLP Engineer, ForeSee Medical

Amarnag Subramanya, Senior Research Scientist, Google

Kieran Synder, Co-Founder and CEO, Textio

Joseph T. Tennis, Associate Professor, Information School, University of Washington

Michael Tjalve, Principal AI Architect, Microsoft | Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington

Clare Voss, Senior Computer Scientist, Army Research Laboratory

Richard Wright, Professor and Chair, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington