As the role of computers and technology grows ever larger in our daily lives, business and industry are increasingly seeking experts in the complicated nexus between humans and machines. Computational linguistics is an academic discipline that directly addresses this need, combining elements of linguistics, software engineering, artificial intelligence and electrical engineering. Professionals trained in this field help machines process human language and help linguists understand language through computer models.
Computational linguists apply their skills in the development of applications related to translation, voice recognition, automated text analysis, search engines and other pioneering technologies.
Compensation and Job Placement
Those who earn a master's degree in computational linguistics are equipped to land well-compensated positions across a variety of fields and industries. Salary level varies, depending on the industry and particular role. PayScale indicates that in 2025, the median salary for computational linguists was about $101,000 a year, with the top-end annual salary at about $126,000.
Our graduates have obtained full-time employment at Google, Facebook, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, H5, Bosch, Samsung, VoiceBox Technologies and Apple, among many others. We make every effort to connect our current and former students with potential employment opportunities.
Job Roles
Below is a list of just some of the job titles that a UW Master of Science in Computational Linguistics prepares you for:
- Analytical Linguist
- Applied Scientist
- Artificial Intelligence Engineer
- Big Data Software Engineer
- Chief Product Officer
- Computational Linguist
- Crowdsourcing Developer
- Chief Technology Officer
- Data Operations
- Data Scientist
- Language Data Specialist
- Language Engineer
- Linguist
- Linguist Engineer
- Linguist Ontology and Dialogue Designer
- Machine Learning Engineer
- NLP Engineer/Scientist
- Research Engineer
- Researcher/Research Scientist
- Software Development Engineer
More Information
Interested in finding out more about careers in computational linguistics? See current and past job postings to get a sense of the diversity of employment opportunities, and read interviews with some of our accomplished alumni.